$^\dagger$ corresponding author
$^\ddagger$ student under my (co-)supervision

International Journal Publications

  1. Li B., Bian M., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Xuan H., (2025), Hybrid train formation plan integrating one-block and two-block trains from the technical station under wagon demand fluctuation,Engineering Optimization, (accepted)
  2. Zhou Y., Wang X., Hu C., Li T., (2025), Inland port ranking analysis considering port efficiency for sustainable port development: a case study, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 83, 104062. PDF
  3. Feng X., Jin C. Zhu J., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, (2025), A hybrid two-stage algorithm for solving synchronous loading operation of quay cranes and straddle carriers, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, (accepted)
  4. Li S.$^\ddagger$, Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Liu X., Wang N., Wang J., Zhou B., Wang Z., (2025), Dynamic weight reinforcement learning method considering multiple factors in mobile edge computing system, Neurocomputing, 620, 129194. PDF
  5. Li S.$^\ddagger$, Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou B., Wang Z. (2025), Workload-based adaptive decision-making for edge server layout with deep reinforcement learning, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 139, 109662. PDF
  6. Feng X., Li D., Shin Y., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, (2024), Resilient shuttle vehicle plan under route disruption scenarios and ticketing policies: A case study of the Qiandaohu archipelago scenic area, China, Current Issues in Tourism, (accepted)
  7. Wang H.$^\ddagger$, Zhou Y., Niu X., Liu D., Li L., Duan Y., Wang Z., (2025), A Low-Cost and stable DAL arrhythmia detection algorithm based on the weak stratification query strategy of morphological statistical features, Expert Systems with Applications,261, 125482. PDF
  8. Xin J., Yuan Q., D’Ariano, A., Guo G., Liu Y., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, (2024), Dynamic unbalanced task allocation of warehouse AGVs using integrated adaptive large neighborhood search and Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 195, 110410. PDF
  9. Li, T., Qin, Y., Xu, M., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Rong, L., (2024), Spatio-temporal vulnerability of high-speed rail line network in China, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 134, 104338. PDF
  10. Zhou Y., Luo L., Zhao Q. Q., Chen H., Qian Z., Leng S., (2024), Influence index analysis of inland waterway ports along the Yangtze River, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Accepted.
  11. Zhong Z.$^\ddagger$, Jin H., Sun Y., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, (2024), Two incentive policies for green shore power system considering multiple objectives, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 192, 110338. PDF
  12. Xin J., Li S., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, D’Ariano, A., (2024), Dynamic task allocation of hybrid flow shop for machines in parallel with different speeds based on an MLD prediction model, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 41(6), 504-521. PDF
  13. Zhang Y., Zhang J., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Zhao H., Cheng P., (2024), Blockchain adoption and mode selection strategies for remanufacturing supply chain under cap-and-trade policy, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 192, 110246. PDF
  14. Liu C.$^\ddagger$, Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Yang Z., Li Y., Li T., (2024), Optimizing the scheduling scheme for NSR/SCR tramp vessel shipping between Asia and Europe, Ocean Engineering, 304, 117747. PDF
  15. Li B., Jiang S., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Xuan H., (2023), Optimization of train formation plan based on technical station under railcar demand fluctuation, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 40(6),448-463. PDF.
  16. Shi Y., Liu W., Zhou Y., (2023), An adaptive large neighborhood search based approach for the vehicle routing problem with zone-based pricing, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,124,106506. PDF.
  17. Wang N.$^\ddagger$, Feng P., Ge Z., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou B., & Wang Z., (2023), Adversarial spatiotemporal contrastive learning for electrocardiogram signals, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, PDF,Supplemental material PDF.
  18. Xu C., Liu F., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Dou R., Feng X., & Shen B., (2023), Manufacturers’ emission reduction investment strategy under carbon cap-and-trade policy and uncertain low-carbon preferences, Industrial Management & Data Systems, PDF.
  19. Feng P.$^\ddagger$, Fu J., Wang N., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou B., & Wang Z., (2023), Semantic-aware alignment and label propagation for cross-domain arrhythmia classification, Knowledge-based Systems, 264,110323 PDF.
  20. Wang H.$^\ddagger$, Huang M., Wang H., Zhou, Y. (2023). Fourth party logistics service quality management with logistics audit, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 19(10), 7105-7129. PDF.
  21. Xu C., Jing Y., Shen B., Zhou Y. $^\dagger$, & Zhao Q. Q., (2023). Cost-sharing contract design between manufacturer and dealership considering the customer low-carbon preferences, Expert Systems With Applications, 213, 118877 PDF.
  22. Shi Y., Zhou Y. $^\dagger$, Boudouh T., & Grunder O., (2022). A memetic algorithm for a relocation-routing problem in green production of gas considering uncertainties  . Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 74, 101129. PDF, Supplemental material PDF
  23. Dui H., Chen S.,Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, & Wu S. (2022). Maintenance analysis of transportation networks by the traffic transfer principle considering node idle capacity. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 221, 108386. PDF
  24. Feng P.$^\ddagger$, Fu J., Ge Z., Wang H., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou B., & Wang Z., (2022), Unsupervised semantic-aware adaptive feature fusion network for arrhythmia detection, Information Sciences, 582, 509-528. PDF
  25. Wang H.$^\ddagger$, Huang M., Wang H., Feng X., &Zhou, Y.$^\dagger$ (2022). Contract design for the fourth party logistics considering tardiness risk, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13(1), 13-30. PDF
  26. Wang H.$^\ddagger$, Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou B., Niu X., Zhang, H., & Wang Z., (2021). Interactive ECG annotating: An artificial intelligence method for smart ECG manipulation, Information Sciences, 581, 42-59. PDF
  27. Wang H.$^\ddagger$, Dai H., Zhou Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou B., Lu P., Zhang H., & Wang Z., (2021). An effective feature extraction method based on GDS for atrial fibrillation detection. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 119, 103819. PDF
  28. Dou R., Li W., Nan G., Wang X.,& Zhou Y. (2021). How can manufacturers make decisions on product appearance design? A research on optimal design based on customers’ emotional satisfaction. Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 6(2), 177-196. PDF
  29. Tiwari S., Wee M. H., Zhou Y., & Tjoeng L. (2021). Freight consolidation and containerization strategy under business as usual scenario & carbon tax regulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123270. PDF
  30. Zhou Y., & Lee G. M. (2020). A bi-objective medical relief shelter location problem considering coverage ratios. International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 27(4), 971-988. PDF
  31. Shi Y. , Zhou Y. $^\dagger$, Ye W.,& Zhao Q. Q., (2020). A relative robust optimization for a vehicle routing problem with time-window and synchronized visits considering greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 124112. PDF
  32. Shi Y. , Zhou Y. $^\dagger$, Boudouh T.,& Grunder O., (2020). A lexicographic-based two-stage algorithm for vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup-delivery and time window. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 95, 103901. PDF
  33. Zhou Y., & Kim K. H. (2020). Optimal parameters in concession contracts between container terminal operators and investors. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 23(6) 602-625. PDF
  34. Zhou Y., & Kim K. H. (2020). A game theoretic model and a coevolutionary solution procedure to determine the terminal handling charges for container terminals. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 144, 106466. PDF
  35. Zhou Y., & Kim K. H. (2019). Optimal concession contract between a port authority and container-terminal operators by revenue-sharing schemes with quantity discount. Maritime Policy & Management. PDF, Supplemental material PDF.
  36. Gu J., Zhou Y., Das A., Moon I., & Lee G. M. (2018). Medical relief shelter location problem with patient severity under a limited relief budget. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 720–728. PDF
  37. Zhou Y., & Lee G. M. (2018). Linking soft computing to art: Introduction of efficient k-continuous line drawing. Applied Soft Computing, 68, 932–943. PDF
  38. Gao X., Zhou Y., Amir M. I. H., Rosyidah F. A., & Lee G. M. (2017). A hybrid genetic algorithm for multi-emergency medical service centers location-allocation problem in disaster response. International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 24(6), 663–679. PDF
  39. Gao Y., Zhou Y., Zhou B., Shi L., & Zhang J. (2017). Handling data skew in mapreduce cluster by using partition tuning. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2017. PDF
  40. Zhou Y., & Lee G. M. (2017). A lagrangian relaxation-based solution method for a green vehicle routing problem to minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainability, 9(5), 776. PDF

Domestic Journal Publications

  1. 徐江, 王航, 周艳杰$^\dagger$,冯雪皓. 基于混合遗传算法的可变尺寸货物装箱问题研究,包装工程 录用出版中
  2. 周艳杰,李耀辉,王宇,王永胜,情感分析与数据驱动下面向产品迭代设计的用户画像及建模研究,工业工程,出版中
  3. 张晶蓉,马芳媛,周艳杰$^\dagger$,李梦丽,李玉民,冯雪皓.考虑海运竞争影响的中欧班列运营商竞合关系研究.铁道科学与工程学报,1-11.
  4. 张晶蓉,贺占文,周艳杰$^\dagger$,李玉民.基于混合整数规划的工厂产品托盘打包及装箱问题研究[J].包装工程,2023,44(17):143-151.
  5. 赵倩倩,周艳杰$^\dagger$.“生产系统建模与仿真”课程教学改革——基于CDIO标准.教育教学论坛,2023(13):46-50.

Conference Publications

  1. Wang, H., Zhou, Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou, B., & Wang, Z. (2021). A Novel Method for Detection of ECG with Deep Learning. In 2021 7th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC) (pp. 631-635). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICCC54389.2021.9674506 (December 10-13, 2021, Chengdu, China )
  2. Gao, Y., Zhou, B., Zhou, Y., Shi, L., Tao, Y., & Zhang, J. (2018). Transfer learning-based behavioural task decoding from brain activity. In The international conference on healthcare science and engineering (pp. 71–81). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-6837-0_6. (June 1-3, 2018, Guangxi, China.)
  3. Zhou, B., Zhou, Y., Xu, M., & Wu, F. (2014). Computation-aware motion estimation algorithm based on qoe control. In 2014 ieee computers communications and it applications conference (pp. 261–265). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ComComAp.2014.7017207. (October 20-22, 2014, Beijing, China.)

Conference Presentations

  1. Zhou, Y., & Liu G. (2021). A deep learning method to predict container throughput for inland port. In The 10th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2021). (Oct 29-31, 2021, Zhejiang, China.)
  2. Shi, Y., Zhou, Y., & Zhao Q. (2021). A zone-based pricing for vehicle routing problem with time window and stochastic demand. In The 10th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2021). (Oct 29-31, 2021, Zhejiang, China.)
  3. Zhou, Y., & Kim, K. H. (2019). Competition and Cooperation among Vessel Carriers in Feeder Network Design The 2nd Y-RIB International Conference (December 1-3, 2019, Chongqing, China.) Out Standing Paper Award
  4. Zhou, Y., & Kim, K. H. (2019). A note on optimizing the concession contracts for landlord port authorities to max- imise fee revenues. In The 4 th international conference of supply chain and technology innovation (ICOSTI 2019). (August 13-15, 2019, Busan, Korea.)
  5. Zhou, Y., & Kim, K. H. (2019). Competition and collaboration among express delivery companies. In The 9th international conference on logistics and maritime systems (LOGMS 2019). (August 14-16, 2019, Singapore, Singapore.)
  6. Zhou, Y., & Kim, K. H. (2019). Optimal rental charge schedule between the port authority and container terminals under various contract schemes. In The 27th annual conference of the international association of maritime economists 2019 (IAME 2019 ). (June 25-28, 2019, Athens, Greece.)
  7. Zhou, Y., & Kim, K. H. (2019). Terminal location and sharing problem in a competitive environment. In The 4th belt and road initiative conference 2019(BRI 2019). (August 1-3, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.)
  8. Zhou, Y., Choi, S.-H., & Kim, K. H. (2018). Determining rental charges by a port authority considering container han- dling prices by terminals. In The 19th asia pacific industrial engineering and management systems (APIEMS 2018). (December 5-8, 2018, Hong Kong, China.)
  9. Zhou, Y., & Kim, K. H. (2018). Optimal concession contract between the port authority and container terminals by a royalty fee scheme. In The 8th international conference on logistics and maritime systems (LOGMS 2018). (December 9-12, 2018, Guangzhou, China.)
  10. Zhou, Y., Kim, K. H., & Kim, J. G. (2018). A coevolutionary approach to pricing container handles by container termi- nals. In The seventh international conference on transportation and logistics (7th T-LOG). (September 8-10, 2018, Dalian, China.)
  11. Zhou, Y., & Lee, G. M. (2018). A robust mathematical model for capacity planning in semiconductor industry under demand uncertainty. In 2018 ieee international conference on smart manufacturing, industrial & logistics engineering. (February 7-9, 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan.)
  12. Tuladhar, U. M., Zhou, Y., Lee, G. M., & Ahn, S. (2017). Design and implementation of segmentation algorithm for artistic drawing using 2-axis computer numerical controller. In The 7th international conference on manufacturing, machine design and tribology. (April 19-22, 2017, Jeju, Korea.)
  13. Zhou, Y., Das, A., Gao, X., & Lee, G. M. (2017). A biobjective mathematical programming for medical relief shelter lo- cation problem. In The second global conference on theory and applications of or & om for sustainability. (September 6-8, 2017, Beijing, China.) Best Paper Award
  14. Gu, J., Zhou, Y., & Lee, G. M. (2016). Medical relief shelter location considering the severity of patients under limited relief budget. In The 46th international conference on computers & industrial engineering. (October 29-31, 2016, Tianjin, China.) Best Student Paper Award
  15. Zhou, Y., & Lee, G. M. (2016). Linking the optimization to the art; an efficient k-continuous line drawing using image segmentation, stippling, and the traveling salesman problem. In The 2016 international symposium on semiconductor manufacturing intelligence. (August 7-10, 2016, Hsinchu, Taiwan.)