
I am looking for undergraduate students to join the Computer and Industrial Engineering Group.
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About me

I am an associate professor in the school of management at Zhengzhou University. I obtained my Ph.D degree from the Department of Industrial Engineering at Pusan National University in June 2020. Before that, I received my B.S. Degree and M.S. Degree in Computer Science and Computer Applied Technology from Zhengzhou University in 2012 and 2015, respectively.


2015.09 ~ 2020.06Ph.D in Industrial EngineeringPusan National University
Advisor Prof. Kap Hwan Kim
Pusan National University
2013.07 ~ 2015.04Research InternZhejiang University
State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG
Graphics and Parallel Systems Lab
Zhejiang University
2012.09 ~ 2015.06M.S. in Computer Applied TechnologyZhengzhou University
Advisor Prof. Bing Zhou
Zhengzhou University
2012.07 ~ 2012.09Research InternUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Cloud Computing &
Intelligent Information Processing Lab
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2008.09 ~ 2012.06B.S. in Computer ScienceZhengzhou University
Advisor Prof. Lei Zhuang
Zhengzhou University

Selected Papers

$^\dagger$ corresponding author
$^\#$ student under my (co-)supervision
  1. Wang, N., Feng, P., Ge, Z., Zhou, Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou, B., & Wang, Z., (2023), Adversarial spatiotemporal contrastive learning for electrocardiogram signals, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, PDF, Supplemental material PDF.
  2. Feng, P., Fu, J., Wang, N., Zhou, Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou, B., & Wang, Z., (2023), Semantic-aware alignment and label propagation for cross-domain arrhythmia classification, Knowledge-based Systems, 264,110323 PDF.
  3. Xu C., Jing Y., Shen B., Zhou Y. $^\dagger$, & Zhao Q. Q., (2023). Cost-sharing contract design between manufacturer and dealership considering the customer low-carbon preferences, Expert Systems With Applications, 213, 118877 PDF.
  4. Shi Y. , Zhou Y. $^\dagger$, Boudouh T.,& Grunder O., (2022). A memetic algorithm for a relocation-routing problem in green groduction of gas considering uncertainties  . Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 74, 101129. PDF
  5. Dui, H., Chen, S.,Zhou, Y.$^\dagger$, & Wu, S. (2022). Maintenance analysis of transportation networks by the traffic transfer principle considering node idle capacity. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 221, 108386. PDF
  6. Wang, H., Zhou, Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou, B., Niu, X., Zhang, H., & Wang, Z., (2021). Interactive ECG annotating: An artificial intelligence method for smart ECG manipulation, Information Sciences, 581, 42-59 PDF.
  7. Wang, H., Dai, H., Zhou, Y.$^\dagger$, Zhou, B., Lu, P., Zhang H., & Wang, Z., (2021). An effective feature extraction method based on GDS for atrial fibrillation detection. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 119, 103819 PDF
  8. Zhou Y., & Lee G. M. (2020). A bi-objective medical relief shelter location problem considering coverage ratios. International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 27(4), 971-988 PDF
  9. Shi Y. , Zhou Y. $^\dagger$, Boudouh T.,& Grunder O., (2020). A lexicographic-based two-stage algorithm for vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup-delivery and time window. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 95, 103901 PDF
  10. Zhou Y., & Kim K. H. (2020). Optimal parameters in concession contracts between container terminal operators and investors. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 23(6) 602-625. PDF
  11. Zhou Y., & Kim K. H. (2020). A game theoretic model and a coevolutionary solution procedure to determine the terminal handling charges for container terminals. Computer & Industrial Engineering, 144, 106466 PDF
  12. Zhou Y., & Kim K. H. (2019). Optimal concession contract between a port authority and container-terminal operators by revenue-sharing schemes with quantity discount. Maritime Policy & Management. PDF Supplemental material PDF.
  13. Zhou Y., & Lee G. M. (2018). Linking soft computing to art: Introduction of efficient k-continuous line drawing. Applied Soft Computing, 68, 932–943. PDF
  14. More papers »»

Awards and Honors

  • Best Paper Award of 6th Y-RIB in collaboration with UNESCAP (2024)
  • 河南省科学技术进步一等奖, 2023
  • 河南省教育厅科技成果一等奖, 2022
  • Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students in Korea (Embassy of China in Korea) (2017/2018)
  • Best Paper Award of The Second Global Conference on Theory and Applications of OR/OM for Sustainability (2017)
  • Best Student Paper Award of The 46th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE46) (2016)
  • State-Sponsored Scholarship Program for Graduate Students (China Scholarship Council) (2016)
  • More awards and honors »»


梵魚寺 (범어사) 2019-10-03 Rivulet @金井山 2019-10-03 진주시 2019-10-04 Azalea (PNU) 2019-04-23 Seoul 景福宫 2019-07-16 太宗台(태종대) 2019-06-30
I took these photos by a Samsung phone (Note 5) in 2019. More photos».

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