
less than 1 minute read


Exact method based solvers

  1. CPLEX commercial software
    1. OPL Studio course
    2. Introduction to ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio
    3. Export a model using CPLEX to an LP file
  2. Gurobi commercial software
  3. Mosek commercial software
  4. LINGO commercial software
  5. Google OR-Tools, C++, source code
  6. GLPK, ANSI C, source code
  7. SCIP, C/C++,source code
  8. Lp_solve, C, source code


  1. HeuristicLab, C#, source code
    1. Graphical User Interface
    2. Algorithm Prototyping
    3. Evolutionary Algorithms
    4. Genetic Programming
    5. Data Analysis
    6. Simulation-based Optimization
    7. Experiment Design and Analysis
    8. Plugin-based Architecture

Optimization Modeling Language

  1. Pyomo
  2. GAMS: General Algebraic Modeling System
  3. AMPL: A Mathematical Programming Language


  1. Online Linear Optimization Solver
  2. SageMath
  3. GeoGebra Math Apps

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